Monday, September 7, 2009


Last Sunday was spent mostly on the train, from home to Richmond to Yaletown to Downtown and back again. After an exhausting day of shopping and training, we stopped by Section 3 for a pick-me-up.

I ordered Yaletown's best veggie burger with cheese and wild sautéed mushrooms and fries and my sister had the smoked salmon fettuccine with spinach and capers in a cream sauce. While we waited for our food to arrive, we watched Footloose on the plasma TV set up by the bar. I forgot that Sarah Jessica Parker was in this movie. I just remember Kevin Bacon and how he used dance to channel all the angst that he had. And he had a lot.

Now, I don't know if Section 3 has the best veggie burger in Yaletown as I haven't sampled the veggie burger options in other Yaletown food establishments (a challenge that I am not unwilling to participate in, though). So, I can't support or refute that claim. However, I will admit it was a pretty damn good veggie burger, and this is coming from a person who is not a vegetarian. The veggie patty had a nice consistency with almost a "meaty" texture and the mushrooms were a tasty addition. The only complaint that I have is that there wasn't enough seasoning. I had to add some ketchup and black pepper to my burger, but it was a minor detail to what was otherwise a very good veggie burger. I would definitely recommend it to my non-animal eating friends.

A close up of the veggie patty and its "meaty" goodness.

I did have a taste of my sister's dish and it was also very delicious. There was a generous amount of smoked salmon and capers and the cream sauce was light and subtle. There was a minor setback and for me, there wasn't enough spinach (although, my sister could hardly care less as she is definitely a carnivore of the highest level).

Poutine, West Coast style.

In the end, she wasn't able to finish the capers and smoked salmon, so I piled them onto my leftover fries and we picked away at it til there was nothing left. It's like poutine, but without the gravy and cheese curds.

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